Here you can see API endpoints related to services.

You can see all the API endpoints with examples of requests and responses in the Amelia API Postman collection which you can download here.
All Amelia endpoints use an API key authorization, using the header property named “Amelia”.
Amelia API paths start with: {{your_site_URL}}/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1
Add service
Create a service.
This endpoint accepts POST requests.
Required Properties
The following properties are required.
Key | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the service. |
categoryId | integer | The id of the category which the service belongs to. |
providers | array | The array of employee ids which work on this service. |
duration | integer | The duration of the service in seconds. |
minCapacity | integer | The minimum capacity of the service. |
maxCapacity | integer | The maximum capacity of the service. |
price | float | The price of the service. |
Optional Properties
The following properties are optional:
Key | Type | Description |
color | string | The hex value of the service color. By default: #1788FB |
description | string | The description of the service. |
array | The array of extras. |
duration | integer | The duration of the service in seconds. |
string | The path of the picture of the service. |
pictureThumbPath | string | The path of the picture of the service. |
customPricing | string | JSON encoded string with custom pricing rules. |
timeBefore | integer | The buffer time before the service in seconds. |
timeAfter | integer | The buffer time after the service in seconds. |
bringingAnyone | boolean | Whether customers can bring anyone with them. False by default. |
show | boolean | Whether the service should be visible on the form. False by default. |
gallery | array | Array of image paths for the service gallery. |
aggregatedPrice | boolean | Whether the service price will be multiplied by the number of people. False by default. |
settings | string | JSON encoded string of the service settings. NULL by default and general settings will be used. |
recurringCycle | string | The recurring type of the service. Possible values: “disabled”, “all”, “daily”, “weekly” or “monthly”. “Disabled” by default. |
recurringSub | string | Which timeslots to suggest when the recurring appointment date is unavailable. Possible values: “disabled”, “past”, “future” or “both”. “Future” by default. |
recurringPayment | integer | Whether customer pay for the first appointment when booking or for all of the appointments. 0 for only first, 999 for all. Zero by default. |
position | integer | The position of the service, used for sorting. First by default. |
deposit | float | The deposit amount. Zero by default. |
depositPayment | string | The deposit type. Possible values: “disabled”, “fixed” and “percentage”. “Disabled” by default. |
depositPerPerson | boolean | Whether the deposit will be multiplies by the number of people. False by default. |
fullPayment | boolean | Whether the customer has an option to pay the full amount when the deposit is enabled. False by default. |
translations | string | JSON encoded string for the translation of the service name and description. |
minSelectedExtras | integer | The minimum extras to choose. None by default. |
mandatoryExtra | boolean | Whether it is mandatory to select an extra. False by default. |
maxExtraPeople | integer | The maximum number of additional people a customer can bring. |
limitPerCustomer | string | JSON encoded string of the rules for limiting appointments per customer |
curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/services' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0' \ --data '{ "categoryId": "4", "color": "#1788FB", "description": "", "duration": 1800, "providers": [ 3 ], "extras": [ { "description": "", "descriptionHTML": "", "duration": 1800, "maxQuantity": 1, "name": "extra1", "position": 1, "price": 100, "serviceId": 0, "translations": null } ], "maxCapacity": 1, "minCapacity": 1, "name": "Service 1", "pictureFullPath": "", "pictureThumbPath": "", "price": 0, "customPricing": "{\"enabled\": false, \"durations\": []}", "status": "visible", "timeAfter": "", "timeBefore": "", "bringingAnyone": true, "show": true, "gallery": [], "aggregatedPrice": true, "settings": "{\"payments\":{\"paymentLinks\":{\"enabled\":true,\"changeBookingStatus\":false,\"redirectUrl\":null},\"onSite\":true,\"payPal\":{\"enabled\":false},\"stripe\":{\"enabled\":false},\"mollie\":{\"enabled\":false},\"razorpay\":{\"enabled\":false}},\"zoom\":{\"enabled\":true},\"lessonSpace\":{\"enabled\":false}}", "recurringCycle": "disabled", "recurringSub": "future", "recurringPayment": 0, "position": 9, "deposit": 0, "depositPayment": "disabled", "depositPerPerson": 1, "fullPayment": false, "translations": null, "minSelectedExtras": null, "mandatoryExtra": false, "maxExtraPeople": null, "limitPerCustomer": "{\"enabled\": false, \"numberOfApp\": 1,\"timeFrame\": \"day\", \"period\": 1, \"from\": \"bookingDate\"}" }'
{ "message": "Successfully added new service.", "data": { "service": { "id": 24, "name": "Service 1", "description": "", "color": "#1788FB", "price": 0, "deposit": 0, "depositPayment": "disabled", "depositPerPerson": true, "pictureFullPath": null, "pictureThumbPath": null, "extras": [ { "id": 18, "name": "extra1", "description": "", "price": 100, "maxQuantity": 1, "position": 1, "duration": 1800, "serviceId": 24, "aggregatedPrice": null, "translations": null } ], "coupons": [], "position": 1, "settings": "{\"payments\":{\"paymentLinks\":{\"enabled\":true,\"changeBookingStatus\":false,\"redirectUrl\":null},\"onSite\":true,\"payPal\":{\"enabled\":false},\"stripe\":{\"enabled\":false},\"mollie\":{\"enabled\":false},\"razorpay\":{\"enabled\":false}},\"zoom\":{\"enabled\":true},\"lessonSpace\":{\"enabled\":false}}", "fullPayment": false, "minCapacity": 1, "maxCapacity": 1, "duration": 1800, "timeBefore": null, "timeAfter": null, "bringingAnyone": true, "show": true, "aggregatedPrice": true, "status": "visible", "categoryId": 4, "category": null, "priority": [], "gallery": [], "recurringCycle": "disabled", "recurringSub": "future", "recurringPayment": 0, "translations": null, "minSelectedExtras": null, "mandatoryExtra": false, "customPricing": "{\"enabled\": false, \"durations\": []}", "maxExtraPeople": null, "limitPerCustomer": "{\"enabled\": false, \"numberOfApp\": 1,\"timeFrame\": \"day\", \"period\": 1, \"from\": \"bookingDate\"}" } } }
Update service
Update service details.
This endpoint accepts POST requests.
Optional Properties
Send only the properties you want updated.
Key | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the service. |
categoryId | integer | The id of the category which the service belongs to. |
providers | array | The array of employee ids which work on this service. |
duration | integer | The duration of the service in seconds. |
minCapacity | integer | The minimum capacity of the service. |
maxCapacity | integer | The maximum capacity of the service. |
price | float | The price of the service. |
applyGlobally | boolean | Whether the employees’ price should be updated as well. False by default. |
color | string | The hex value of the service color. By default: #1788FB |
description | string | The description of the service. |
array | The array of extras. |
duration | integer | The duration of the service in seconds. |
string | The path of the picture of the service. |
pictureThumbPath | string | The path of the picture of the service. |
customPricing | string | JSON encoded string with custom pricing rules. |
timeBefore | integer | The buffer time before the service in seconds. |
timeAfter | integer | The buffer time after the service in seconds. |
bringingAnyone | boolean | Whether customers can bring anyone with them. False by default. |
show | boolean | Whether the service should be visible on the form. False by default. |
gallery | array | Array of image paths for the service gallery. |
aggregatedPrice | boolean | Whether the service price will be multiplied by the number of people. False by default. |
settings | string | JSON encoded string of the service settings. NULL by default and general settings will be used. |
recurringCycle | string | The recurring type of the service. Possible values: disabled, all, daily, weekly or monthly. Disabled by default. |
recurringSub | string | Which timeslots to suggest when the recurring appointment date is unavailable. Possible values: disabled, past, future or both. Future by default. |
recurringPayment | integer | Whether customer pay for the first appointment when booking or for all of the appointments. 0 for only first, 999 for all. Zero by default. |
position | integer | The position of the service, used for sorting. First by default. |
deposit | float | The deposit amount. Zero by default. |
depositPayment | string | The deposit type. Possible values: disabled, fixed and percentage. Disabled by default. |
depositPerPerson | boolean | Whether the deposit will be multiplies by the number of people. False by default. |
fullPayment | boolean | Whether the customer has an option to pay the full amount when the deposit is enabled. False by default. |
translations | string | JSON encoded string for the translation of the service name and description. |
minSelectedExtras | integer | The minimum extras to choose. None by default. |
mandatoryExtra | boolean | Whether it is mandatory to select an extra. False by default. |
maxExtraPeople | integer | The maximum number of additional people a customer can bring. |
limitPerCustomer | string | JSON encoded string of the rules for limiting appointments per customer |
curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/services/12' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0' \ --data '{ "id": 12, "categoryId": "4", "color": "#1788FB", "description": "", "duration": 1800, "providers": [ 3 ], "extras": [ { "description": "", "descriptionHTML": "", "duration": 1800, "maxQuantity": 1, "name": "extra1", "position": 1, "price": 100, "serviceId": 0, "translations": null } ], "maxCapacity": 1, "minCapacity": 1, "name": "Service New Name", "pictureFullPath": "", "pictureThumbPath": "", "price": 0, "customPricing": "{\"enabled\": false, \"durations\": []}", "status": "visible", "timeAfter": "", "timeBefore": "", "bringingAnyone": true, "show": true, "applyGlobally": false, "gallery": [], "aggregatedPrice": true, "settings": "{\"payments\":{\"paymentLinks\":{\"enabled\":true,\"changeBookingStatus\":false,\"redirectUrl\":null},\"onSite\":true,\"payPal\":{\"enabled\":false},\"stripe\":{\"enabled\":false},\"mollie\":{\"enabled\":false},\"razorpay\":{\"enabled\":false}},\"zoom\":{\"enabled\":true},\"lessonSpace\":{\"enabled\":false}}", "recurringCycle": "disabled", "recurringSub": "future", "recurringPayment": 0, "position": 9, "deposit": 0, "depositPayment": "disabled", "depositPerPerson": 1, "fullPayment": false, "translations": null, "minSelectedExtras": null, "mandatoryExtra": false, "maxExtraPeople": null, "limitPerCustomer": "{\"enabled\": false, \"numberOfApp\": 1,\"timeFrame\": \"day\", \"period\": 1, \"from\": \"bookingDate\"}" }'
{ "message": "Successfully updated service.", "data": { "service": { "id": 12, "name": "Service New Name", "description": "", "color": "#1788FB", "price": 0, "deposit": 0, "depositPayment": "disabled", "depositPerPerson": true, "pictureFullPath": null, "pictureThumbPath": null, "extras": [ { "id": 11, "name": "extra1", "description": "", "price": 100, "maxQuantity": 1, "position": 1, "duration": 1800, "serviceId": 12, "aggregatedPrice": null, "translations": null } ], "coupons": [], "position": 9, "settings": "{\"payments\":{\"paymentLinks\":{\"enabled\":true,\"changeBookingStatus\":false,\"redirectUrl\":null},\"onSite\":true,\"payPal\":{\"enabled\":false},\"stripe\":{\"enabled\":false},\"mollie\":{\"enabled\":false},\"razorpay\":{\"enabled\":false}},\"zoom\":{\"enabled\":true},\"lessonSpace\":{\"enabled\":false},\"activation\":{\"version\":\"6.2.3\"}}", "fullPayment": false, "minCapacity": 1, "maxCapacity": 1, "duration": 1800, "timeBefore": null, "timeAfter": null, "bringingAnyone": true, "show": true, "aggregatedPrice": true, "status": "visible", "categoryId": 4, "category": null, "priority": [], "gallery": [], "recurringCycle": "disabled", "recurringSub": "future", "recurringPayment": 0, "translations": null, "minSelectedExtras": null, "mandatoryExtra": false, "customPricing": "{\"enabled\": false, \"durations\": []}", "maxExtraPeople": null, "limitPerCustomer": "{\"enabled\": false, \"numberOfApp\": 1,\"timeFrame\": \"day\", \"period\": 1, \"from\": \"bookingDate\"}" } } }
Update service status
Update service status.
This endpoint accepts POST requests.
Required Properties
The following properties are required.
Key | Type | Description |
status | string | The new status of the service. Possible values: “visible”, “hidden”, “disabled” |
curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/services/status/12' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0' \ --data '{ "status": "visible" }'
{ "message": "Successfully updated service", "data": true }
Update services positions
Update services position.
This endpoint accepts POST requests.
Required Properties
The following properties are required.
Key | Type | Description |
sorting | string | Type of sorting to be done. Possible values: “custom”, “priceAsc”, “priceDesc”, “nameAsc”, “nameDesc” |
services | array | Array of service ids sorted in a custom way. Used when the sorting type is set as custom |
curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/services/positions' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0' \ --data '{ "services": [ {"id": 4}, {"id": 12} ], "sorting": "custom" }'
{ "message": "Successfully updated bookable services positions.", "data": null }
Get service
Retrieve service details.
This endpoint accepts GET requests.
curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/services/12' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0'
{ "message": "Successfully retrieved service.", "data": { "service": { "id": 12, "name": "Service New Name", "description": "", "color": "#1788FB", "price": 0, "deposit": 0, "depositPayment": "disabled", "depositPerPerson": true, "pictureFullPath": null, "pictureThumbPath": null, "extras": [ { "id": 10, "name": "extra1", "description": "", "price": 100, "maxQuantity": 1, "position": 1, "duration": 1800, "serviceId": null, "aggregatedPrice": false, "translations": null }, { "id": 11, "name": "extra1", "description": "", "price": 100, "maxQuantity": 1, "position": 1, "duration": 1800, "serviceId": null, "aggregatedPrice": false, "translations": null } ], "coupons": [], "position": 9, "settings": "{\"payments\":{\"paymentLinks\":{\"enabled\":true,\"changeBookingStatus\":false,\"redirectUrl\":null},\"onSite\":true,\"payPal\":{\"enabled\":false},\"stripe\":{\"enabled\":false},\"mollie\":{\"enabled\":false},\"razorpay\":{\"enabled\":false}},\"zoom\":{\"enabled\":true},\"lessonSpace\":{\"enabled\":false},\"activation\":{\"version\":\"6.2.3\"}}", "fullPayment": false, "minCapacity": 1, "maxCapacity": 1, "duration": 1800, "timeBefore": null, "timeAfter": null, "bringingAnyone": true, "show": true, "aggregatedPrice": true, "status": "visible", "categoryId": 2, "category": null, "priority": [], "gallery": [], "recurringCycle": "disabled", "recurringSub": "future", "recurringPayment": 0, "translations": null, "minSelectedExtras": null, "mandatoryExtra": false, "customPricing": "{\"enabled\":false,\"durations\":{}}", "maxExtraPeople": null, "limitPerCustomer": "{\"enabled\":false,\"numberOfApp\":1,\"timeFrame\":\"day\",\"period\":1,\"from\":\"bookingDate\"}" }, "futureAppointmentsProvidersIds": [] } }
Get service delete effect
See if a service can be deleted safely, based on future appointments.
This endpoint accepts GET requests.
curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/services/effect/12' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0'
{ "message": "Successfully retrieved message.", "data": { "valid": false, "message": "Could not delete service. \n This service has 20 appointments in the future." } }
Get services
Retrieve services details.
This endpoint accepts GET requests.
Optional Properties
You can use the following query parameters to filter the services returned.
Key | Type | Description |
page | integer | The page number. |
categoryId | integer | The id of the category for which to return the services |
curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/services&page=1&categoryId=2' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0'
{ "message": "Successfully retrieved services.", "data": { "services": [ { "id": 15, "name": "just service", "description": "", "color": "#1788FB", "price": 330, "deposit": 0, "depositPayment": "disabled", "depositPerPerson": true, "pictureFullPath": null, "pictureThumbPath": null, "extras": [], "coupons": [], "position": 3, "settings": "{\"payments\":{\"payPal\":{\"enabled\":false},\"razorpay\":{\"enabled\":false},\"mollie\":{\"enabled\":true},\"paymentLinks\":{\"enabled\":true,\"changeBookingStatus\":false,\"redirectUrl\":null},\"onSite\":true,\"stripe\":{\"enabled\":false}},\"zoom\":{\"enabled\":true},\"lessonSpace\":{\"enabled\":false},\"activation\":{\"version\":\"6.6\"}}", "fullPayment": false, "minCapacity": 1, "maxCapacity": 1, "duration": 3600, "timeBefore": null, "timeAfter": null, "bringingAnyone": true, "show": true, "aggregatedPrice": true, "status": "visible", "categoryId": 2, "category": null, "priority": "least_expensive", "gallery": [], "recurringCycle": "disabled", "recurringSub": "future", "recurringPayment": 0, "translations": null, "minSelectedExtras": null, "mandatoryExtra": false, "customPricing": "{\"enabled\":true,\"durations\":{\"1800\":{\"price\":20,\"rules\":[]},\"5400\":{\"price\":500,\"rules\":[]}}}", "maxExtraPeople": null, "limitPerCustomer": "{\"enabled\":false,\"numberOfApp\":1,\"timeFrame\":\"day\",\"period\":1,\"from\":\"bookingDate\"}" } ], "countFiltered": 4, "countTotal": 18 } }
Delete service
Delete service.
This endpoint accepts POST requests.
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/services/delete/12' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0'
{ "message": "Successfully deleted service.", "data": [] }