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Amelia API – Appointments

Here you can see API endpoints related to appointments.

You can see all the API endpoints with examples of requests and responses in the Amelia API Postman collection which you can download here.

Please note: The API Endpoints are included only in the Elite license plans. Using API Endpoints requires a certain level of coding skills, and is not included in the provided support for the plugin.


All Amelia endpoints use an API key authorization, using the header property named “Amelia”.


Amelia API paths start with: {{your_site_URL}}/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1

Add appointment

Create an appointment with bookings.


This endpoint accepts POST requests.



Required Properties

The following properties are required.

Key Type Description
bookingStart string The starting date and time of the appointment in the format: “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm”
bookings array Array of bookings. The booking object must contain the customerId of an existing customer. If you’d like to create a new customer while making a booking, use the /bookings endpoint
notifyParticipants boolean Whether the customers should be notified about the appointment
locationId integer Location ID of the appointment
providerId integer ID of an employee assigned to the appointment
serviceId integer Service ID of the appointment
recurring array An array of recurring appointments. Required if appointment is recurring

Other Properties

Key Type Description
internalNotes string Internal note.
timeZone string Timezone of the customer. Example: “Europe/Belgrade“
lessonSpace string The lesson space id to assign to the appointment. By default a new one will be created.
utc boolean Whether the date time is sent in UTC. False by default.


curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/appointments' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0' \
--data '{
    "bookingStart": "2023-10-05 13:00",
    "bookings": [
            "customFields": "{\"1\":{\"label\":\"text\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\"}}",
            "customerId": 10,
            "duration": 1800,
            "extras": [],
            "packageCustomerId": null,
            "persons": 1,
            "status": "approved"
    "internalNotes": "",
    "lessonSpace": "",
    "locationId": 2,
    "notifyParticipants": 1,
    "providerId": 1,
    "recurring": [],
    "serviceId": 1,
    "timeZone": "Europe/Belgrade",
    "utc": false
    "message": "Successfully added new appointment",
    "data": {
        "appointment": {
            "id": 742,
            "bookings": [
                    "id": 979,
                    "customerId": 10,
                    "customer": null,
                    "status": "approved",
                    "extras": [],
                    "couponId": null,
                    "price": 23,
                    "coupon": null,
                    "customFields": "{\"1\":{\"label\":\"text\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\"}}",
                    "info": null,
                    "appointmentId": 742,
                    "persons": 1,
                    "token": "e22f812066",
                    "payments": [
                            "id": 1000,
                            "customerBookingId": 979,
                            "packageCustomerId": null,
                            "parentId": null,
                            "amount": 0,
                            "gateway": "onSite",
                            "gatewayTitle": "",
                            "dateTime": "2023-10-05 13:00:00",
                            "status": "pending",
                            "data": "",
                            "entity": "appointment",
                            "created": null,
                            "actionsCompleted": true,
                            "wcOrderId": null,
                            "wcOrderUrl": null,
                            "wcItemCouponValue": null,
                            "wcItemTaxValue": null,
                            "transactionId": null
                    "utcOffset": null,
                    "aggregatedPrice": true,
                    "isChangedStatus": true,
                    "isLastBooking": null,
                    "packageCustomerService": null,
                    "ticketsData": [],
                    "duration": 1800,
                    "created": "2023-09-26 10:19:00",
                    "actionsCompleted": true,
                    "isUpdated": null
            "notifyParticipants": 1,
            "internalNotes": "",
            "status": "approved",
            "serviceId": 1,
            "parentId": null,
            "providerId": 1,
            "locationId": 2,
            "provider": null,
            "service": null,
            "location": null,
            "googleCalendarEventId": null,
            "googleMeetUrl": null,
            "outlookCalendarEventId": null,
            "zoomMeeting": null,
            "lessonSpace": null,
            "bookingStart": "2023-10-05 13:00:00",
            "bookingEnd": "2023-10-05 13:30:00",
            "type": "appointment",
            "isRescheduled": null,
            "isFull": null,
            "resources": []
        "recurring": []

Update appointment

Update appointment details. To update appointment status use /appointments/status endpoint.


This endpoint accepts POST requests.



Optional Properties

Send only the properties you want updated.

Key Type Description
bookingStart string The starting date and time of the appointment in the format: “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm”
bookings array Array of bookings
notifyParticipants boolean Whether the customers should be notified about the appointment
locationId integer Location ID of the appointment
providerId integer ID of an employee assigned to the appointment
serviceId integer Service ID of the appointment
internalNotes string Internal note.
lessonSpace string The lesson space id to assign to the appointment. By default a new one will be created.
removedBookings array An array of bookings to be removed.
recurring array An array of recurring appointments. Required if appointment is recurring.


curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/appointments/742' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0' \
--data '{
    "bookingStart": "2023-10-05 11:00",
    "bookings": [
            "id": 979,
            "customFields": "{\"1\":{\"label\":\"text\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\"}}",
            "customerId": 10,
            "duration": 1800,
            "extras": [],
            "packageCustomerId": null,
            "persons": 2,
            "status": "approved"
    "internalNotes": "",
    "lessonSpace": "",
    "locationId": 2,
    "notifyParticipants": 1,
    "providerId": 1,
    "removedBookings": [],
    "serviceId": 1
    "message": "Successfully updated appointment",
    "data": {
        "appointment": {
            "id": 742,
            "bookings": [
                    "id": 979,
                    "customerId": 10,
                    "customer": null,
                    "status": "approved",
                    "extras": [],
                    "couponId": null,
                    "price": 23,
                    "coupon": null,
                    "customFields": "{\"1\":{\"label\":\"text\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\"}}",
                    "info": null,
                    "appointmentId": null,
                    "persons": 2,
                    "token": null,
                    "payments": [],
                    "utcOffset": null,
                    "aggregatedPrice": null,
                    "isChangedStatus": false,
                    "isLastBooking": null,
                    "packageCustomerService": null,
                    "ticketsData": [],
                    "duration": 1800,
                    "created": "2023-09-26 10:19:00",
                    "actionsCompleted": null,
                    "isUpdated": true
            "notifyParticipants": 1,
            "internalNotes": "",
            "status": "approved",
            "serviceId": 1,
            "parentId": null,
            "providerId": 1,
            "locationId": 2,
            "provider": null,
            "service": null,
            "location": null,
            "googleCalendarEventId": "hlda2snvbh7llqbupsgnels3io",
            "googleMeetUrl": null,
            "outlookCalendarEventId": "AQMkADAwATYwMAItZTk0ZS1lMGRmLTAwAi0wMAoARgAAA3egvCudOo1GsyywV8xCQ2wHANjP2dT7pGFAu0b6VBSGJOoAAAIBDQAAANjP2dT7pGFAu0b6VBSGJOoABsaEPm0AAAA=",
            "zoomMeeting": {
                "id": 76092515836,
                "startUrl": "https://us04web.zoom.us/s/76092515836?zak=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJzdiI6IjAwMDAwMSIsInptX3NrbSI6InptX28ybSIsImFsZyI6IkhTMjU2In0.eyJhdWQiOiJjbGllbnRzbSIsInVpZCI6IlBNUVVXdlVXVEJLMVh6cW11YVM2LUEiLCJpc3MiOiJ3ZWIiLCJzayI6Ijg0OTc4OTYwMzQ5OTI5NjU2NDUiLCJzdHkiOjEwMCwid2NkIjoidXMwNCIsImNsdCI6MCwibW51bSI6Ijc2MDkyNTE1ODM2IiwiZXhwIjoxNjk1NzIzNTQyLCJpYXQiOjE2OTU3MTYzNDIsImFpZCI6Ing4ejhiTG1WUzJLODA0aktOa09lTmciLCJjaWQiOiIifQ.5stnr-oa5EhUGp5H_oIrb9ckfTq6WGu0TxGw7Mzo7t4",
                "joinUrl": "https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76092515836?pwd=O3kmYBTPHsxTSMKe7mKrAbSllftaJ7.1"
            "lessonSpace": null,
            "bookingStart": "2023-10-05 11:00:00",
            "bookingEnd": "2023-10-05 11:30:00",
            "type": "appointment",
            "isRescheduled": null,
            "isFull": null,
            "resources": []
        "appointmentStatusChanged": false,
        "appointmentRescheduled": false,
        "initialAppointmentDateTime": {
            "bookingStart": "2023-10-05 11:00:00",
            "bookingEnd": "2023-10-05 11:30:00"
        "bookingsWithChangedStatus": [],
        "appointmentEmployeeChanged": null,
        "appointmentZoomUserChanged": false,
        "bookingAdded": false,
        "appointmentZoomUsersLicenced": false,
        "createPaymentLinks": null

Update appointment status

Update the appointment group status.


This endpoint accepts POST requests.



Required Properties

The following properties are required.

Key Type Description
status string The new appointment status. Possible values: approved, pending, canceled, rejected and no-show
packageCustomerId integer Package customer id, if the appointment is part of a package


curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/appointments/status/742'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0'
--data '{
    "status": "pending",
    "packageCustomerId": null
    "message": "Successfully updated appointment status",
    "data": {
        "appointment": {
            "id": 742,
            "bookings": [
                    "id": 979,
                    "customerId": 10,
                    "customer": null,
                    "status": "pending",
                    "extras": [],
                    "couponId": null,
                    "price": 23,
                    "coupon": null,
                    "customFields": "{\"1\":{\"label\":\"text\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\"}}",
                    "info": null,
                    "appointmentId": 742,
                    "persons": 2,
                    "token": null,
                    "payments": [
                            "id": 1000,
                            "customerBookingId": 979,
                            "packageCustomerId": null,
                            "parentId": null,
                            "amount": 0,
                            "gateway": "onSite",
                            "gatewayTitle": "",
                            "dateTime": "2023-10-05 13:00:00",
                            "status": "pending",
                            "data": "",
                            "entity": null,
                            "created": null,
                            "actionsCompleted": null,
                            "wcOrderId": null,
                            "wcOrderUrl": null,
                            "wcItemCouponValue": null,
                            "wcItemTaxValue": null,
                            "transactionId": null
                    "utcOffset": null,
                    "aggregatedPrice": true,
                    "isChangedStatus": false,
                    "isLastBooking": null,
                    "packageCustomerService": null,
                    "ticketsData": [],
                    "duration": 1800,
                    "created": "2023-09-26 10:19:00",
                    "actionsCompleted": null,
                    "isUpdated": null
            "notifyParticipants": 1,
            "internalNotes": "",
            "status": "pending",
            "serviceId": 1,
            "parentId": null,
            "providerId": 1,
            "locationId": 2,
            "provider": null,
            "service": null,
            "location": null,
            "googleCalendarEventId": "hlda2snvbh7llqbupsgnels3io",
            "googleMeetUrl": null,
            "outlookCalendarEventId": null,
            "zoomMeeting": null,
            "lessonSpace": null,
            "bookingStart": "2023-10-05 11:00:00",
            "bookingEnd": "2023-10-05 11:30:00",
            "type": "appointment",
            "isRescheduled": null,
            "isFull": null,
            "resources": []
        "bookingsWithChangedStatus": [],
        "status": "pending",
        "oldStatus": "pending",
        "message": "Appointment status has been changed to pending"

Get appointment

Retrieve appointment details.


This endpoint accepts GET requests.




curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/appointments/742'
--header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0'
    "message": "Successfully retrieved appointment",
    "data": {
        "appointment": {
            "id": 742,
            "bookings": [
                    "id": 979,
                    "customerId": 10,
                    "customer": null,
                    "status": "pending",
                    "extras": [],
                    "couponId": null,
                    "price": 23,
                    "coupon": null,
                    "customFields": "{\"1\":{\"label\":\"text\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\"}}",
                    "info": null,
                    "appointmentId": 742,
                    "persons": 2,
                    "token": null,
                    "payments": [
                            "id": 1000,
                            "customerBookingId": 979,
                            "packageCustomerId": null,
                            "parentId": null,
                            "amount": 0,
                            "gateway": "onSite",
                            "gatewayTitle": "",
                            "dateTime": "2023-10-05 13:00:00",
                            "status": "pending",
                            "data": "",
                            "entity": null,
                            "created": null,
                            "actionsCompleted": null,
                            "wcOrderId": null,
                            "wcOrderUrl": null,
                            "wcItemCouponValue": null,
                            "wcItemTaxValue": null,
                            "transactionId": null
                    "utcOffset": null,
                    "aggregatedPrice": true,
                    "isChangedStatus": null,
                    "isLastBooking": null,
                    "packageCustomerService": null,
                    "ticketsData": [],
                    "duration": 1800,
                    "created": "2023-09-26 10:19:00",
                    "actionsCompleted": null,
                    "isUpdated": null
            "notifyParticipants": 1,
            "internalNotes": "",
            "status": "pending",
            "serviceId": 1,
            "parentId": null,
            "providerId": 1,
            "locationId": 2,
            "provider": null,
            "service": null,
            "location": null,
            "googleCalendarEventId": "hlda2snvbh7llqbupsgnels3io",
            "googleMeetUrl": null,
            "outlookCalendarEventId": null,
            "zoomMeeting": null,
            "lessonSpace": null,
            "bookingStart": "2023-10-05 11:00:00",
            "bookingEnd": "2023-10-05 11:30:00",
            "type": "appointment",
            "isRescheduled": null,
            "isFull": null,
            "resources": []
        "recurring": []

Get appointments

Retrieve appointments details.


This endpoint accepts GET requests.


Key Type Description
dates string The beggining and end date from which to retreieve appointments
page integer The page number. The limit is set in settings.
skipServices boolean Whether to retrieve service details as well.
skipProviders boolean Whether to retrieve employee details as well.
asArray boolean Whether the retrieved appointments will be in array format. False by default, sent as an object where the keys are the appointment dates.


curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/appointments&dates=2023-05-09,2023-05-10&page=1&skipServices=1&skipProviders=1'
--header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0'
    "message": "Successfully retrieved appointments",
    "data": {
        "appointments": {
            "2023-05-09": {
                "date": "2023-05-09",
                "appointments": [
                        "id": 151,
                        "bookings": [
                                "id": 228,
                                "customerId": 16,
                                "customer": {
                                    "id": 16,
                                    "firstName": "Amelia",
                                    "lastName": "Test",
                                    "birthday": null,
                                    "email": "[email protected]",
                                    "phone": null,
                                    "type": "customer",
                                    "status": "visible",
                                    "note": null,
                                    "zoomUserId": null,
                                    "countryPhoneIso": null,
                                    "externalId": null,
                                    "pictureFullPath": null,
                                    "pictureThumbPath": null,
                                    "translations": null,
                                    "gender": null
                                "status": "approved",
                                "extras": [],
                                "couponId": null,
                                "price": 100,
                                "coupon": null,
                                "customFields": "{\"1\":{\"label\":\"text\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\"}}",
                                "info": null,
                                "appointmentId": 151,
                                "persons": 1,
                                "token": null,
                                "payments": [
                                        "id": 269,
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                                        "packageCustomerId": null,
                                        "parentId": null,
                                        "amount": 0,
                                        "gateway": "onSite",
                                        "gatewayTitle": "",
                                        "dateTime": "2023-05-09 11:00:00",
                                        "status": "pending",
                                        "data": "",
                                        "entity": null,
                                        "created": "2023-04-25 10:55:33",
                                        "actionsCompleted": null,
                                        "wcOrderId": null,
                                        "wcOrderUrl": null,
                                        "wcItemCouponValue": null,
                                        "wcItemTaxValue": null
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                                "isChangedStatus": null,
                                "isLastBooking": null,
                                "packageCustomerService": null,
                                "ticketsData": [],
                                "duration": 1800,
                                "created": "2023-04-25 10:55:33",
                                "actionsCompleted": null
                                "id": 229,
                                "customerId": 17,
                                "customer": {
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                                    "firstName": "Avatar",
                                    "lastName": "Last Airbender",
                                    "birthday": null,
                                    "email": "[email protected]",
                                    "phone": null,
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                                    "status": "visible",
                                    "note": null,
                                    "zoomUserId": null,
                                    "countryPhoneIso": null,
                                    "externalId": null,
                                    "pictureFullPath": null,
                                    "pictureThumbPath": null,
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                                    "gender": null
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                                "extras": [],
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                                "price": 100,
                                "coupon": null,
                                "customFields": "{\"1\":{\"label\":\"text\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\"}}",
                                "info": null,
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                                "persons": 1,
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                                        "gateway": "onSite",
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                                        "entity": null,
                                        "created": "2023-04-25 10:55:58",
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                                "packageCustomerService": null,
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                                "created": "2023-04-25 10:55:58",
                                "actionsCompleted": null
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                        "providerId": 1,
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                        "provider": null,
                        "service": null,
                        "location": null,
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                        "outlookCalendarEventId": null,
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                            "startUrl": "https://us06web.zoom.us/s/83025905325?zak=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJzdiI6IjAwMDAwMSIsInptX3NrbSI6InptX28ybSIsImFsZyI6IkhTMjU2In0.eyJhdWQiOiJjbGllbnRzbSIsInVpZCI6IkNGUUQ1bV9BU1pPNXpLTE5VbS1pOFEiLCJpc3MiOiJ3ZWIiLCJzayI6IjAiLCJzdHkiOjEsIndjZCI6InVzMDYiLCJjbHQiOjAsIm1udW0iOiI4MzAyNTkwNTMyNSIsImV4cCI6MTY4MjQyNzM1OCwiaWF0IjoxNjgyNDIwMTU4LCJhaWQiOiJpeV8zd01JUFRyLTdyclZZSnZnM01nIiwiY2lkIjoiIn0.rsCwEyo4mqLRSzs9nXWEt2yFg7MHyMdGgmTfgw12zEc",
                            "joinUrl": "https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83025905325?pwd=UWw5Y0NTTVpVc3lEb21iNmxvT2Nodz09"
                        "lessonSpace": null,
                        "bookingStart": "2023-05-09 11:00:00",
                        "bookingEnd": "2023-05-09 11:30:00",
                        "type": "appointment",
                        "isRescheduled": null,
                        "resources": [],
                        "cancelable": true,
                        "reschedulable": true,
                        "past": false,
                        "isGroup": false
            "2023-05-10": {
                "date": "2023-05-10",
                "appointments": [
                        "id": 157,
                        "bookings": [
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                                "customerId": 2,
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                                    "id": 2,
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                                    "email": "[email protected]",
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                                "customFields": "{\"1\":{\"label\":\"text\",\"type\":\"text\",\"value\":\"\"}}",
                                "info": "{\"firstName\":\"Milica\",\"lastName\":\"Snake\",\"phone\":null,\"locale\":\"en_US\",\"timeZone\":\"Europe\\/Belgrade\",\"urlParams\":null}",
                                "appointmentId": 157,
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                                "payments": [
                                        "id": 277,
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                                        "parentId": null,
                                        "amount": 120,
                                        "gateway": "wc",
                                        "gatewayTitle": "Check payments",
                                        "dateTime": "2023-04-25 16:32:11",
                                        "status": "paid",
                                        "data": "",
                                        "entity": null,
                                        "created": "2023-04-25 14:32:11",
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                                "isChangedStatus": null,
                                "isLastBooking": null,
                                "packageCustomerService": null,
                                "ticketsData": [],
                                "duration": 1800,
                                "created": "2023-04-25 14:32:11",
                                "actionsCompleted": null
                                "id": 238,
                                "customerId": 11,
                                "customer": {
                                    "id": 11,
                                    "firstName": "Amelia",
                                    "lastName": "Test",
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                                    "phone": null,
                                    "type": "customer",
                                    "status": "visible",
                                    "note": null,
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                                "extras": [],
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                                "price": 100,
                                "coupon": null,
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            "firstName": "AmeliaApi",
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            "translations": null

Delete appointment

Delete appointment.


This endpoint accepts POST requests.




curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/appointments/delete/173'
--header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0'
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