Here you can see API endpoints related to bookings.

You can see all the API endpoints with examples of requests and responses in the Amelia API Postman collection which you can download here.
All Amelia endpoints use an API key authorization, using the header property named “Amelia”.
Amelia API paths start with: {{your_site_URL}}/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1
Add booking
Create an appointment, event or package booking.
This endpoint accepts POST requests.
Appointment booking
Required Properties
Key | Type | Description |
type | string | Type of appointment. Possible values: appointment, event or package. |
bookings | array | Array of with one element, the booking object which contains customer and custom fields information. |
bookingStart | string | The starting date and time of the appointment in the format: “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm” |
payment | object | Payment object with the following fields: gateway, currency and data. |
notifyParticipants | boolean | Whether the customers should be notified about the appointment. |
locationId | integer | Location ID of the appointment |
providerId | integer | Employee ID of the appointment |
serviceId | integer | Service ID of the appointment |
Other Properties
Key | Type | Description |
locale | string | Locale of the customer. Example: “en_US” |
timeZone | string | Timezone of the customer. Example: “Europe/Belgrade“ |
recurring | array | Array of all the recurring appointments, without the first one. |
couponCode | string | Coupon code. |
runInstantPostBookingActions | boolean | Whether to run post booking actions (sending emails, adding google calendar events, creating a zoom meeting etc) in this API call; false by default, call /bookings/success/{booking_id} endpoint in that case |
curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/bookings' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0' \ --data-raw '{ "type": "appointment", "bookings": [ { "extras": [], "customFields": { "1": { "label": "text", "type": "text", "value": "custom field value" } }, "deposit": true, "locale": "en_US", "utcOffset": null, "persons": 1, "customerId": null, "customer": { "id": null, "firstName": "Rob", "lastName": "Stark", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "", "countryPhoneIso": "", "externalId": null }, "duration": 1800 } ], "payment": { "gateway": "onSite", "currency": "USD", "data": {} }, "bookingStart": "2023-10-05 13:00", "notifyParticipants": 1, "locationId": 2, "providerId": 1, "serviceId": 1 }'
{ "message": "Successfully added booking", "data": { "type": "appointment", "appointment": { "id": 742, "bookings": [ { "id": 980, "customerId": 64, "customer": { "id": 64, "firstName": "Rob", "lastName": "Stark", "birthday": null, "email": "[email protected]", "phone": null, "type": "customer", "status": null, "note": null, "zoomUserId": null, "countryPhoneIso": null, "externalId": null, "pictureFullPath": null, "pictureThumbPath": null, "translations": "{\"defaultLanguage\":\"en_US\"}", "gender": null }, "status": "approved", "extras": [], "couponId": null, "price": 23, "coupon": null, "customFields": "{\"1\":{\"label\":\"text\",\"type\":\"text\",\"value\":\"custom field value\"}}", "info": "{\"firstName\":\"Rob\",\"lastName\":\"Stark\",\"phone\":null,\"locale\":\"en_US\",\"timeZone\":\"Europe\\/Belgrade\",\"urlParams\":null}", "appointmentId": 742, "persons": 1, "token": "08a4df18c0", "payments": [ { "id": 1001, "customerBookingId": 980, "packageCustomerId": null, "parentId": null, "amount": 0, "gateway": "onSite", "gatewayTitle": "", "dateTime": "2023-10-05 11:00:00", "status": "pending", "data": "", "entity": "appointment", "created": null, "actionsCompleted": null, "wcOrderId": null, "wcOrderUrl": null, "wcItemCouponValue": null, "wcItemTaxValue": null, "transactionId": null } ], "utcOffset": null, "aggregatedPrice": true, "isChangedStatus": null, "isLastBooking": null, "packageCustomerService": null, "ticketsData": [], "duration": 1800, "created": null, "actionsCompleted": false, "isUpdated": null } ], "notifyParticipants": 1, "internalNotes": "", "status": "approved", "serviceId": 1, "parentId": null, "providerId": 1, "locationId": 2, "provider": null, "service": null, "location": { "id": 2, "status": "visible", "name": "Location2", "description": "", "address": "Velisava Vulovića 18, Belgrade, Serbia", "phone": "", "latitude": 44.767476, "longitude": 20.455081, "pictureFullPath": null, "pictureThumbPath": null, "pin": "", "translations": null }, "googleCalendarEventId": "hlda2snvbh7llqbupsgnels3io", "googleMeetUrl": null, "outlookCalendarEventId": null, "zoomMeeting": null, "lessonSpace": null, "bookingStart": "2023-10-05 11:00:00", "bookingEnd": "2023-10-05 11:30:00", "type": "appointment", "isRescheduled": null, "isFull": null, "resources": [] }, "booking": { "id": 980, "customerId": 64, "customer": { "id": 64, "firstName": "Rob", "lastName": "Stark", "birthday": null, "email": "[email protected]", "phone": null, "type": "customer", "status": null, "note": null, "zoomUserId": null, "countryPhoneIso": null, "externalId": null, "pictureFullPath": null, "pictureThumbPath": null, "translations": "{\"defaultLanguage\":\"en_US\"}", "gender": null }, "status": "approved", "extras": [], "couponId": null, "price": 23, "coupon": null, "customFields": "{\"1\":{\"label\":\"text\",\"type\":\"text\",\"value\":\"custom field value\"}}", "info": "{\"firstName\":\"Rob\",\"lastName\":\"Stark\",\"phone\":null,\"locale\":\"en_US\",\"timeZone\":\"Europe\\/Belgrade\",\"urlParams\":null}", "appointmentId": 742, "persons": 1, "token": "08a4df18c0", "payments": [ { "id": 1001, "customerBookingId": 980, "packageCustomerId": null, "parentId": null, "amount": 0, "gateway": "onSite", "gatewayTitle": "", "dateTime": "2023-10-05 11:00:00", "status": "pending", "data": "", "entity": "appointment", "created": null, "actionsCompleted": null, "wcOrderId": null, "wcOrderUrl": null, "wcItemCouponValue": null, "wcItemTaxValue": null, "transactionId": null } ], "utcOffset": null, "aggregatedPrice": true, "isChangedStatus": null, "isLastBooking": null, "packageCustomerService": null, "ticketsData": [], "duration": 1800, "created": null, "actionsCompleted": false, "isUpdated": null }, "utcTime": [ { "start": "2023-10-05 09:00:00", "end": "2023-10-05 09:30:00" } ], "appointmentStatusChanged": true, "recurring": [], "package": [], "packageId": null, "customer": { "id": 64, "firstName": "Rob", "lastName": "Stark", "birthday": null, "email": "[email protected]", "phone": null, "type": "customer", "status": null, "note": null, "zoomUserId": null, "countryPhoneIso": null, "externalId": null, "pictureFullPath": null, "pictureThumbPath": null, "translations": "{\"defaultLanguage\":\"en_US\"}", "gender": null, "locale": "en_US", "timeZone": "Europe/Belgrade" }, "bookable": { "id": 1, "name": "amelia service", "description": "location address: %location_address%", "color": "#1788FB", "price": 23, "deposit": 14, "depositPayment": "fixed", "depositPerPerson": true, "pictureFullPath": null, "pictureThumbPath": null, "extras": [ { "id": 17, "name": "extra", "description": null, "price": 0, "maxQuantity": 1, "position": 1, "duration": 600, "serviceId": null, "aggregatedPrice": false, "translations": null } ], "coupons": [], "position": null, "settings": "{\"payments\":{\"mollie\":{\"enabled\":true},\"paymentLinks\":{\"enabled\":true,\"changeBookingStatus\":false,\"redirectUrl\":null},\"onSite\":true,\"payPal\":{\"enabled\":true},\"stripe\":{\"enabled\":false},\"razorpay\":{\"enabled\":false}},\"zoom\":{\"enabled\":true},\"lessonSpace\":{\"enabled\":true},\"activation\":{\"version\":\"6.6\"}}", "fullPayment": true, "minCapacity": 1, "maxCapacity": 10, "duration": 1800, "timeBefore": 1800, "timeAfter": 1800, "bringingAnyone": true, "show": true, "aggregatedPrice": true, "status": "visible", "categoryId": 1, "category": null, "priority": [], "gallery": [], "recurringCycle": null, "recurringSub": null, "recurringPayment": 999, "translations": null, "minSelectedExtras": null, "mandatoryExtra": null, "customPricing": "{\"enabled\":false,\"durations\":{\"3600\":{\"price\":30,\"rules\":[]},\"5400\":{\"price\":40,\"rules\":[]}}}", "maxExtraPeople": null, "limitPerCustomer": "{\"enabled\":false,\"numberOfApp\":1,\"timeFrame\":\"day\",\"period\":1,\"from\":\"bookingDate\"}" }, "paymentId": 1001, "packageCustomerId": null, "payment": { "id": 1001, "customerBookingId": 980, "packageCustomerId": null, "parentId": null, "amount": 0, "gateway": "onSite", "gatewayTitle": "", "dateTime": "2023-10-05 11:00:00", "status": "pending", "data": "", "entity": "appointment", "created": null, "actionsCompleted": null, "wcOrderId": null, "wcOrderUrl": null, "wcItemCouponValue": null, "wcItemTaxValue": null, "transactionId": null }, "customerCabinetUrl": "http://localhost/amelia/index.php/customer-panel" } }
Event booking
Required Properties
Key | Type | Description |
type | string | Type of appointment. Possible values: appointment, event or package. |
bookings | array | Array of with one element, the booking object which contains customer and custom fields information. |
payment | object | Payment object with the following fields: gateway, currency and data. |
eventId | integer | Event ID |
Other Properties
Key | Type | Description |
locale | string | Locale of the customer. Example: “en_US” |
timeZone | string | Timezone of the customer. Example: “Europe/Belgrade“ |
couponCode | string | Coupon code. |
runInstantPostBookingActions | boolean | Whether to run post booking actions (sending emails, adding google calendar events, creating a zoom meeting etc) in this API call; false by default, call /bookings/success/{booking_id} endpoint in that case |
curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia2/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/bookings' \ --data-raw '{ "type": "event", "bookings": [ { "customer": { "email": "[email protected]", "externalId": null, "firstName": "Amelia", "lastName": "Test", "phone": "", "countryPhoneIso": "rs" }, "customFields": { "1": { "label": "text", "value": "", "type": "text" } }, "customerId": 0, "persons": 1, // use persons if the event does not use tickets "ticketsData": [ // use ticketsData if event uses tickets { "eventTicketId": 25, "persons": 0, "price": 20 }, { "eventTicketId": 24, "persons": 2, "price": 10 } ], "utcOffset": null, "deposit": false } ], "payment": { "amount": "40.00", "gateway": "onSite", "currency": "USD" }, "recaptcha": false, "locale": "en_US", "timeZone": "Europe/Belgrade", "couponCode": "", "eventId": 54 }'
{ "message": "Successfully added booking", "data": { "type": "event", "event": { "id": 54, "name": "tickets event", "description": "", "color": "#1788FB", "price": 0, "deposit": 0, "depositPayment": "disabled", "depositPerPerson": true, "pictureFullPath": null, "pictureThumbPath": null, "extras": [], "coupons": [], "position": null, "settings": "{\"payments\":{\"paymentLinks\":{\"enabled\":true,\"changeBookingStatus\":false,\"redirectUrl\":null},\"onSite\":true,\"payPal\":{\"enabled\":false},\"stripe\":{\"enabled\":false},\"mollie\":{\"enabled\":false},\"razorpay\":{\"enabled\":false}},\"general\":{\"minimumTimeRequirementPriorToCanceling\":null,\"redirectUrlAfterAppointment\":null},\"zoom\":{\"enabled\":true},\"lessonSpace\":{\"enabled\":false}}", "fullPayment": false, "bookings": [ { "id": 262, "customerId": 11, "customer": { "id": 11, "firstName": "Amelia", "lastName": "Test", "birthday": null, "email": "[email protected]", "phone": null, "type": "customer", "status": null, "note": null, "zoomUserId": null, "countryPhoneIso": "rs", "externalId": null, "pictureFullPath": null, "pictureThumbPath": null, "translations": "{\"defaultLanguage\":\"en_US\"}", "gender": null }, "status": "approved", "extras": [], "couponId": null, "price": 20, "coupon": null, "customFields": "{\"1\":{\"label\":\"text\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\"}}", "info": "{\"firstName\":\"Amelia\",\"lastName\":\"Test\",\"phone\":null,\"locale\":\"en_US\",\"timeZone\":\"Europe\\/Belgrade\",\"urlParams\":null}", "appointmentId": null, "persons": 0, "token": "eace84d090", "payments": [ { "id": 303, "customerBookingId": 262, "packageCustomerId": null, "parentId": null, "amount": 0, "gateway": "onSite", "gatewayTitle": "", "dateTime": "2023-05-17 09:00:00", "status": "pending", "data": "", "entity": "event", "created": null, "actionsCompleted": null, "wcOrderId": null, "wcOrderUrl": null, "wcItemCouponValue": null, "wcItemTaxValue": null } ], "utcOffset": null, "aggregatedPrice": true, 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"[]", "sold": 0, "translations": null }, { "id": 24, "eventId": 54, "name": "ticket1", "enabled": true, "price": 10, "dateRangePrice": null, "spots": 10, "dateRanges": "[]", "sold": 0, "translations": null } ], "gallery": [], "providers": [], "notifyParticipants": 1, "locationId": null, "location": null, "customLocation": null, "parentId": null, "created": "2023-04-28 16:05:24", "zoomUserId": null, "organizerId": null, "type": "event", "bringingAnyone": true, "bookMultipleTimes": true, "translations": null, "customPricing": true, "closeAfterMin": null, "closeAfterMinBookings": false, "maxExtraPeople": null, "initialEventStart": null, "initialEventEnd": null }, "booking": { "id": 262, "customerId": 11, "customer": { "id": 11, "firstName": "Amelia", "lastName": "Test", "birthday": null, "email": "[email protected]", "phone": null, "type": "customer", "status": null, "note": null, "zoomUserId": null, "countryPhoneIso": "rs", "externalId": null, "pictureFullPath": null, "pictureThumbPath": 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[], "googleCalendarEventId": null, "googleMeetUrl": null, "outlookCalendarEventId": null } ], "bookingOpens": null, "bookingCloses": null, "bookingOpensRec": "same", "bookingClosesRec": "same", "ticketRangeRec": "calculate", "status": "approved", "recurring": null, "maxCapacity": 1, "maxCustomCapacity": null, "show": true, "tags": [], "customTickets": [ { "id": 25, "eventId": 54, "name": "ticket2", "enabled": true, "price": 20, "dateRangePrice": null, "spots": 20, "dateRanges": "[]", "sold": 0, "translations": null }, { "id": 24, "eventId": 54, "name": "ticket1", "enabled": true, "price": 10, "dateRangePrice": null, "spots": 10, "dateRanges": "[]", "sold": 0, "translations": null } ], "gallery": [], "providers": [], "notifyParticipants": 1, "locationId": null, "location": null, "customLocation": null, "parentId": null, "created": "2023-04-28 16:05:24", "zoomUserId": null, "organizerId": null, "type": "event", "bringingAnyone": true, "bookMultipleTimes": true, "translations": null, "customPricing": true, "closeAfterMin": null, "closeAfterMinBookings": false, "maxExtraPeople": null, "initialEventStart": null, "initialEventEnd": null }, "paymentId": 303, "packageCustomerId": null, "payment": { "id": 303, "customerBookingId": 262, "packageCustomerId": null, "parentId": null, "amount": 0, "gateway": "onSite", "gatewayTitle": "", "dateTime": "2023-05-17 09:00:00", "status": "pending", "data": "", "entity": "event", "created": null, "actionsCompleted": null, "wcOrderId": null, "wcOrderUrl": null, "wcItemCouponValue": null, "wcItemTaxValue": null }, "customerCabinetUrl": "http://localhost/static_amelia/index.php/customer-panel" } }
Package booking
Required Properties
Key | Type | Description |
type | string | Type of appointment. Possible values: appointment, event or package. |
bookings | array | Array of with one element, the booking object which contains customer and custom fields information. |
payment | object | Payment object with the following fields: gateway, currency and data. |
packageId | integer | Package ID |
package | array | Array of all the booked package appointments. |
Other Properties
Key | Type | Description |
locale | string | Locale of the customer. Example: “en_US” |
timeZone | string | Timezone of the customer. Example: “Europe/Belgrade“ |
couponCode | string | Coupon code. |
packageRules | array | Chosen employee and location for each service in the package. These employees will be used when the customer continues booking appointments in their package on the customer panel, if choosing the employee is disabled |
runInstantPostBookingActions | boolean | Whether to run post booking actions (sending emails, adding google calendar events, creating a zoom meeting etc) in this API call; false by default, call /bookings/success/{booking_id} endpoint in that case |
curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia2/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/bookings' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Amelia: s7nC4/uAb0dPHnFevx06GKJGryzFxnVeiCwPNmZRD/a+' \ --data-raw '{ "type": "package", "bookings": [ { "customFields": { "2": { "label": "Text", "type": "text", "value": "" } }, "deposit": true, "locale": "en_US", "utcOffset": null, "customerId": null, "customer": { "firstName": "Amelia", "lastName": "Test", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "", "countryPhoneIso": "", "externalId": null, "translations": null }, "persons": 1 } ], "payment": { "gateway": "onSite", "currency": "USD", "data": {} }, "locale": "en_US", "timeZone": "Europe/Belgrade", "package": [ { "bookingStart": "2024-06-05 07:30", "serviceId": 1, "providerId": 4, "locationId": 8, "utcOffset": 120, "notifyParticipants": 1 }, { "bookingStart": "2024-06-04 10:00", "serviceId": 11, "providerId": 4, "locationId": 8, "utcOffset": 120, "notifyParticipants": 1 } ], "packageId": 1, "packageRules": [ { "serviceId": 1, "providerId": 2, "locationId": 1 }, { "serviceId": 11, "providerId": null, "locationId": null } ], "utcOffset": 120, "couponCode": null }'
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Post-booking actions
Run post-booking actions (sending notifications, creating google/outlook calendar events, creating a zoom meeting, calling webhooks)
This endpoint accepts POST requests.
Required Properties
The following properties are required.
Key | Type | Description |
type | string | Type of appointment. Possible values: appointment, event or package. |
appointmentStatusChanged | boolean | Whether the appointment status has changed after adding the booking. |
customerId | integer | Customer id. |
paymentId | integer | Payment id. |
packageCustomerId | integer | Package booking id. Required if customer booked a package. |
packageId | integer | Package id. Required if customer booked a package. |
recurring | array | Array of recurring appointments. Required if customer made recurring appointments. |
curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/bookings/success/900' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0' \ --data '{ "type": "appointment", "appointmentStatusChanged": false, "recurring": [], "packageId": null, "customerId": 11, "paymentId": 916, "packageCustomerId": null }'
{ "message": "Successfully get booking", "data": [] }
Reschedule booking
Reschedule an appointment date and time.
This endpoint accepts POST requests.
Required Properties
The following properties are required.
Key | Type | Description |
bookingStart | string | New booking start date and time. String in date time format: “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm” |
Other Properties
Key | Type | Description |
utcOffset | integer | UTC offset in minutes. |
timeZone | string | Time zone. Example: “Europe/Belgrade“ |
curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/bookings/reassign/975' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0' \ --data '{ "bookingStart": "2023-09-05 09:30", "utcOffset": null, "timeZone": "Europe/Belgrade" }'
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Cancel booking
Cancel booking.
This endpoint accepts POST requests.
Required Properties
The following properties are required.
Key | Type | Description |
type | string | Appointment type. Possible values: appointment, event and package |
curl --location 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/bookings/cancel/965' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0' \ --data '{ "type": "appointment" }'
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Delete booking
Delete booking.
This endpoint accepts POST requests.
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost/amelia/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpamelia_api&call=/api/v1/bookings/delete/974' \ --header 'Amelia: qUmkNNOLrWbf28izIgNnZ29O+7gVWL5M+8ySJ8VXq3r0'
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