Frequently Asked Questions

Here we tried to summarize the most popular questions and requests that we receive through our support system, together with answers. If you didn’t find an answer to your question, feel free to get in touch with us through the contact form, support portal, or submit a feature suggestion!

Getting Started

Amelia Activation says “This is a feature available in the full version”. I can’t activate the plugin

If you see this screen, that means that you still have the Lite version of the plugin installed:

The Lite version needs to be deactivated/deleted, and the full version installed to be able to activate the license and use all features of the plugin.

You can download the full version by logging into our store with the credentials you received when you purchased the plugin via e-mail.

If you already configured Amelia, don’t worry about your data. It is saved in the database, and it will be there after you install the full version.

Do you have a list of Amelia shortcodes?

Yes, the full list of Amelia shortcodes can be found on this page.

Why doesn’t the color, configured in "Customize" apply to the front-end?

When you apply a new style (change colors and font styles for the booking form) in the “Customize” section, you will need to delete the stored cache in your browser, for the changes to be visible on the front end. That is – the change is already there, and you can see it if you open an Incognito window, it’s just that the current browser session stored cache with old style, and it needs to be clear for you to see it.

Why can't I see the new services I added on the front-end?

There could be a few reasons for this, so please check the following points:

1. Are these services visible on the site?


2. If they are, is an employee assigned to these services?

3. If he is, check his working hours. Working hours where services are defined in the intervals will only show the services defined in there. Make sure these two services are also included:


In the example above, the employee is assigned to 3 services, but 2 newly added services are not automatically assigned to the employee’s working hours, even though they may be assigned to him/her in the Assigned Services tab. If you want the employee to work on all services that you have, you should clear this selection, and every new service will be added automatically.

4. Did you assign the employee to another location? If you did, please go to Amelia/Locations, and make sure that the location is visible.

5. Check the shortcode on the front-end – if you (for example) used [ameliabooking category=1], and you added the service to Category with ID: 2, the new service from category 2 will not appear in the front-end.


Does Amelia Booking Plugin support WooCommerce?

Yes, Amelia supports WooCommerce. You can read more about it on the WooCommerce integration with Amelia WordPress Booking Plugin page from our documentation.

Why can't I access the WooCommerce cart?

If you configured WooCommerce, but the plugin redirects you to another page, or refreshes the booking form, after clicking on “Confirm” in the booking form, without taking you to the cart, please check if you have “Cart” and “Checkout” pages created in WooCommerce Advanced settings. They should be created by default, but if you don’t have them, simply create a couple of new pages in your WordPress site, and name them “Cart” and “Checkout”. After that you will be able to select them from the menu seen below:



Can I use Amelia in other languages? Which translation do you have included in the Amelia WordPress Booking Plugin?

At the moment we have Spanish, German, Dutch, Russian, Romanian, French, Finnish, Italian, Swedish, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Greek, Arabic, Slovak, Hungarian, Danish, Belgian, Japanese, Polish, Hebrew, and Chinese translations.

Approximately 90-95% of the plugin is translated into the languages stated above, but you can always translate it using Poedit or Loco Translate.

How can I translate Amelia Booking Plugin?

You can translate the Amelia plugin using POEDIT. Here are the steps that you need to take:

1. Download and install POEdit from this link.

2. After that, open the program and open the file from your website located in ameliabooking/languages/fr_FR/wpamelia-fr_FR.po.

3. Translate all the strings that are not translated.

4. Save the translation.

5. Go to ameliabooking/languages/fr_FR/ folder and copy the two files: “wpamelia-fr_FR.po” and “” back to your website in the location ../wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/languages/fr_FR/.

Please note: The fr_FR language code is for French, and it should be replaced with your language’s WordPress Locale code which can be found on this link.

I translated the plugin to my language, so why do “Employee” and “Service” still show up in English?

We have “Labels Settings” integrated into Amelia. They are used when you want to change the default words “Employee” and “Service” to better fit the services you offer (so it could be “masseur” instead of “employee” and “massage” instead of “service” – for example).

When you translate WordPress to your language, the plugin is also translated, but these two strings remain with whatever value is stored in “Labels Settings”. Please go to Amelia Settings/Labels Settings, and simply turn them off. After that, when you refresh your page it should be displaying what it finds in the .po file.

Working Hours

I configured Company’s working hours, but I don’t see those hours in the booking form

If you created your employees before you configured Global Working Hours, those employees picked up the Company’s working hours which come as default with the plugin (09:00 – 17:00).

Employees can have different working hours than those of the company, so to configure availability for your services, you need to configure the working hours of employees assigned to those services. Employees’ working hours override the company’s working hours. To set them up, you need to go to the “Employees” section, select the employee, and configure their schedule from the “Work Hours” tab.

I'm able to book appointments 24 hours a day, it's not following work hours.

This can happen only if you enabled “Allow admin to book appointment at any time” in Settings/Roles/Admin, and you’re viewing the form while you’re still logged in as an administrator.

This setting allows your website administrators to book any time slot regardless of employees’ work hours, so if you don’t want to allow this, you can turn off this setting. While checking the form from the front-end, make sure to do it from the Incognito window, so your Admin role doesn’t affect the plugin in any way.

I have set working hours but time slots in the front Calendar don’t match with them, what can be the issue?

Amelia doesn’t have any time zone settings, so if you’re experiencing this issue please check whether you enabled the “Show booking slots in client time zone” option in General Settings. If yes, go to the WordPress General Settings and check whether you have set your current time zone in the Time zone option, since this is the most common reason for this kind of issue.

Please note that UTC time zones can display the wrong times. To avoid this, please select the city closest to you in WordPress General Settings.

I have set working hours but all dates in the Calendar as shown as unavailable, what can be the issue?

If you experience this issue please check if your service duration can fit in the periods that you have set in the working hours, since this is the most common reason because this problem happens. If your service duration is, for example, 1 hour, your periods cannot be set like 9:00-9:45, 10:00-10:45, etc., since a 1-hour service cannot fit here. Our plugin sees this 15 minutes between the time slots as a break.

How can I configure a service so it's available every week at a specific time of the day?

You can set this in the “Working hours” tab on the Employee’s profile. For each day you can add multiple periods of time and assign to each period service/s that will be provided then. In that way, your customers will not be able to book a service at any other time than it is set here.

Do you have an option for setting a different schedule for some specific days?

Yes, with our “Special Days” option you can set a custom schedule for each employee for just one specific day or range of dates. So if, for example, you need to set shorter working hours for just one day or add some service for just certain days in one week or month, you can do this here.

Google Calendar Integration

How do I get rid of the "Not Acceptable" error?

When you start connecting your employees to their Google Calendars, you may see this error:

“Not Acceptable! An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.”

This tends to happen when a security plugin, or a security measure on your server blocks requests from Google. The best option here would be to edit your security settings and allow requests coming from Google.

Otherwise, every time you’re connecting an employee to his/hers Google Calendar, you will probably need to remove everything after “&scope” in the URL. You can read more about this here.

Why aren't the busy events from Google blocked in Amelia?

This issue can occur if you configured the Google Calendar correctly but forgot to connect the employee with his/her Google Calendar. To connect your employees to their Google Calendars, access their profile through Amelia/Employees/Employee’s profile and you’ll see the “Sign in with Google” button.

Another reason could be that you didn’t enable “Remove Google Calendar Busy Slots” in Amelia Settings/Integrations/Google Calendar settings, or that you’ve defined a low number of “Maximum number of events returned”.

Please note that if you have 2 busy events created in Google Calendar that are being repeated every day, Amelia will return only 50 of them (if your setup matches the screenshot above). That means that it will remove these time slots for the next 25 days, and if you configured Amelia so your customers can book in the next 60 days, those time slots will not be available after 25 days pass. To avoid this, you would need to increase the number of busy slots returned to a greater value.

Can my employees connect to Google Calendar from the Front-End Employee Panel?

Yes, but you need to add the URL of the employee panel to your Google Developers Console, as another Redirect URI.

You can read more about this here.


How to set up scheduled notifications in Amelia?

Scheduled notifications require a bit of additional configuration with your server cron scheduler. The command that has to be added can be found on the “Notifications” page when a notification that requires scheduling is active. You can recognize these notifications by the clock icon next to the notification name. Copy the command and paste it into the cron file. The command can look like this:

*/15 * * * *

If that doesn’t work, please try these as well:

*/15 * * * * wget -q -O – “”

*/15 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php ~/public_html/wp-cron.php –action=’wpamelia_api’ –call=’/notifications/scheduled/send’

GET ‘’ > /dev/null

You can see the more detailed tutorial on how to set up cron jobs on this link.

If you are not familiar with this, you can use the plugin WP Crontrol for creating a cronjob.

First, go to Amelia/Notifications, and click on one of the scheduled notifications. For example “Appointment Next Day Reminder”. Below that email template, you will see an info block, that shows what needs to be entered into your server, to configure the cron event. For the WP Crontrol plugin, you only need to copy the URL, without “*/15****”.

Then, go to Tools -> Cron Events admin panel, and click on the “Cron Schedules” tab. In it, add a 15-minute interval.

Now go back to the “Cron Events” tab, and click on “Add New”.

Below it, select the “PHP Cron event” radio button, and add the URL you copied from Amelia/Notifications in this form:


You don’t need to provide the PHP opening tag (<?php).

Please replace “” with your real web address.

Set the Event name, and set the next run to be “At”, and a few minutes in the future. Select the recurrence (the event you created as the first step, in WP Crontrol – the “every_15_minutes” interval) and that’s it.

I configured Notification settings, why aren't the e-mails being sent?

Some hosting providers don’t allow 3rd party SMTP settings (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc.) to be saved, and are intentionally blocking them because they use their own. If you configured the Notification Settings, and your e-mails are not being sent, please contact your hosting provider, and ask them if they are blocking the SMTP.

Are SMS and push notifications supported?

SMS notifications are included in all Amelia licenses, and you can read more about them on this page. As for push notifications – they are not supported at this time.

I configured Google/Outlook SMTP and they used to work. Why doesn't Amelia send notifications anymore?

Google and Outlook stopped supporting the use of third-party applications or devices which ask you to sign into your account using only email and password.

In order to continue using SMTP with these two mailing providers, you will need to set up an App Password.

If you’re using Gmail’s SMTP, please check out this article.

If you’re using Outlook’s SMTP, please check out this article.


Stripe and/or PayPal payments are not working.

When using Stripe or PayPal through Amelia, the most important thing to mention is that Amelia only connects your existing account, and there are no other settings other than what’s described in Payment Settings section.

So, if you’re having issues with payments the issue probably lies with the payment service’s credentials. The issue usually displays as an error in the booking form that says “Sorry, there was an error processing your payment. Please try again later.”

If you’re simply testing the payment with “Sandbox” or “Test” mode, you need to enable them first, in Payment Settings, and copy your Test credentials from PayPal or Stripe into their corresponding fields.

Also, you cannot perform Test payments with a real credit card, nor can you enable Live payments and run your test card. It’s not going to work as Live payments need a real card #, and test payments need test card #. If you wish to test the payment, you can get the Stripe’s test card details on this link.

Another issue could be that the currency you set in Amelia/Settings/Payments is not supported by either Stripe or PayPal.
You can check Stripe’s supported currencies on this link.
You can check PayPal’s supported currencies on this link.

Can I configure different payment options per service in Amelia WordPress Booking Plugin?

Yes, if you have more than one payment option enabled in Payment Settings, you can choose which payment method will be applied to each service.

To do this, access the service you want to modify, and go to the “Settings” tab. There you will be able to choose which payment options will apply to that specific service.

Please note: WooCommerce and Mollie payment methods can’t be combined with other online payment methods. WooCommerce also doesn’t allow enabling the “On-Site” payment method in Amelia, since there’s the “Cash on Delivery” option within WooCommerce which is also an on-site payment method.

Users and roles

How can I grant more permissions to Amelia Managers?

By default, Amelia Manager is allowed to hide but not delete anything; a manager cannot customize the front-end look of the plugin and doesn’t have access to WordPress settings.

However, if you want to change that, and apply some permissions to the manager, you can do that with the help of the User Role Editor plugin. When you install it, its settings will be accessible through the “Users” and “Settings” sections in your dashboard.

This plugin allows you to modify any WordPress user role, as you can see in the screenshot above. All Amelia permissions start with the keyword “amelia”, so please tread carefully when enabling certain permissions. You may also apply other permissions to the user role, but that’s not recommendable.

Please note: Applying certain permissions to your employees will allow them to access, change and even delete your settings. Please consider whether your employees should have these permissions, and carefully choose which ones you wish to apply.

Why does the dashboard display a different name instead of my name?

When you access Amelia’s Dashboard and see something similar to the screenshot below, it usually indicates that you tested the plugin while still logged in with your account, so when you entered the customer details, they were saved under your user ID in the database:

At the moment, the only way to change that would be to access your database (via PHPMyAdmin or any other database administration tool), and access the wp_amelia_users table.

Please note that “wp_” is the default database prefix, but it is possible that you have a different one. So you’re looking for the table “your_prefix_amelia_users”.

When you access that table, find the name that is displayed in the dashboard, click on “Edit” in that row, and simply change the details there.

I am not able to change any of the details in the Amelia booking form, what should I do?

When you are logged into WordPress, and you already filled the details once, that data is already saved in the database, which is why the detail fields in the booking form are disabled and already filled. If you were to create another user with a different email and then log in with that email address, you will be able to make an appointment. Also, you can open your browser in Incognito mode (which means that you are not logged in – as your future clients) and you will see that you are able to enter your details.

In Amelia Settings / Roles Settings / Customer, you will see the “Check customer’s name for existing email when booking” option. This option (when enabled) checks the full name associated with the email that’s saved in the database, so “John Doe” with the email “” can’t book another appointment using the same email, but a different name (for example if they make a typo like “Jon Doe” or if they want to book for their child “Jane Doe”).

In order to allow your customers to book appointments using different names but the same email address, this option needs to be disabled.