Amelia’s Blog
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Amelia vs. Bookly: Which Booking Plugin is Better?
max 11 min read
20 min
Small business ideas for men who want to be successful
Do you want to start a small business? Whether you are a stay at home dad,...
17 min
Salon management tips for running a successful business
There are many trials that a first-time beauty salon manager must be prepared for...
14 min
Contact Management Software for Small Businesses
If you run a business where you have to store a lot of contact information such as...
12 min
Tips and Tricks for Creating a Professional Email Address
If you are a professional and want to be perceived as a professional, you need to...
14 min
Gym Marketing: Promoting Your Business
Good gym marketing can get you a long way if you are a fitness business owner. How...
12 min
Gym management Software Options worth Checking Out
If you thought that the gym staff spends all of their time working out and training...
17 min
Tips for becoming a self-employed business consultant
More and more people specializing in various areas of the economy have been...
16 min
Mistakes to avoid as a gym owner
Being a gym owner is exciting, demanding, and a daring endeavor. However, it is a...
13 min
How to become a self-employed attorney
Attorneys are typically partners in a law firm or employed in-house or at a law...
See how one of our users used Amelia for his medical business
“I have tested many other plugins, but Amelia was the easiest to set up, and most importantly, it was the first plugin that both employees and customers found easy to use”
Didier Lopes
Co-Founder of the Ballaë institute